Full-length, Moribund Records
November 9th, 2010
So after 5 very long years the demonic beast known as Sargeist has returned to crush all in it's path. LET THE DEVIL IN no doubt is a long awaited release by those in the black metal underground, especially this scribe. Empire Of Suffering opens up the album in traditional fashion, loud, fast and raw as hell!! Torag's vocals are vicious and uncompromising and there is even a little variety to his voice. A lot of people maybe got on this band for their earlier works being Darkthrone clones, but this record certainly sees the band easing away from that and finding itself. While most of the album goes by at a furious pace, with Shatraug riffing like a madman. While most may see this record as a repetition of disciples or satanic black devotion, there are plenty of subtle differences that make this record a bit of a progression, for example the third track FROM THE BLACK COFFIN LAIR moves along at a slower more depressive pace which breaks up the blasting fury and gives the listener a break before the punishment begins again on BURNING VOICE OF ADORATION hits you with the typical Sargeist sound. The band is more and more sounding like a nice mix of the members other projects which in my opinion is a good thing. So the bottom line is this is a very good but not great piece of satanic Finnish black metal that should push Sargeist into the upper ranks amongst their countrymen. No reinventing the wheel,but a solid release nonetheless.
Review by B.S.O.G
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