Full-length, Sepulchral Productions
November 9, 2010
In Forteresse we find another member of the so-called “Métal Noir Québécois” scene. This group from Montréal shows a strong patriotism toward Québec’s history and an apparent yearning for the Canadian province’s independence. This reflects in the somber mood of their work. Par Hauts Bois et Vastes Plaines furthers this melancholic feel by including more keyboard driven ambiance than ever before. The act feels the message of the album cannot be fully comprehended unless one listens to it in its entirety. Thusly, they have named every single track the same eponymous name as the album title. While under this notion I think it’d be more appealing to just have 1 long track, maybe they intended a natural rest between the passages. Nonetheless I will look at this album the way they intended.
While I have no knowledge of the French language, it is difficult for me to decipher lyrics and develop an understanding of the purpose of the work on that merit alone. Therefore I must rely on the theory behind the musical composition alone. Each track is very repetitious, perhaps too much for me to enjoy on regular listening experiences. I’d have to be in the right mood to fully appreciate this piece and I think more impatient listeners won’t take a liking to this. However, if you can get over this, you will find some of the darkest and most beautiful ambiance inspired riffs today and could easily find yourself addicted to the work; the “fourth track” being my personal favorite.
Not a lot I can say about this, having limited knowledge of the artists’ intentions due to language barrier, but I think this is an album you will either love or hate. If it had a bit more variety it would definitely be love all around, but listen to this and decide for yourself.
Reviewed by; Matt Coughlin
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