Acheron have been around forever and have put out some killer albums. This their 7th album. I think perhaps this might just be one of their better albums overall. The production is one of the best the band has had. Really showcasing the heaviness. I think over all it's pretty mid paced old school death metal. And Vincent Crowley sounds like the devil himself on here. The war siren intro starts things off and once it dies down, "The Apocalypse" then comes blasting away with the black/death metal attack. Great song! "Rise Of Rebellion" is next and starts with the killer double bass style and goes for a more slow and prodding style of death metal. It picks up in the middle and then towards the end has a killer start stop/fast part that goes into the intro riffs again. Another banger! "Blood Oath (Pactum Tacitum)" is up next is starts off with madness and destroys all in it's path. It has a backing vocals chorus as well. This is my favorite song so far! This song also has killer solos on it. The whole album is packed with great guitar work that fits the riffs great. It also has a slow doomy part towards the end that leads back to the ripping fast part. "I Am Heathen" is a very Venom influenced song. It has a start/stop intro riff that is at first confusing to me, but the it kicks in, YEAH VENOM! hahaha. It has a catchy chorus that I can picture Cronos growling on. "Godless (We Are Gods!)" comes next and has a deadly double bass attack by Kyle Severn. It then goes for the mid paced banging and picks up speed like some of the early Acheron stuff. This song is also a favorite of mine. "Salvation Through Hatred" gets great with the skank beats flowing out of hell. The song gets slower and then has the old Celtic Frost style beat towards the middle/end part before blasting away! "Power And Might" starts off with a brutal thrashy riff then goes into a dark melodic part. The song has a great mid paced riff that then goes into a fast part with Vincent on a what sounds like a megaphone telling the earth "YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE"! in so many words. "Millennium's End" has a intro of death, doom and destruction then goes into the double bass slow to mid paced chaos. It gets fast and chaotic at the end. "A New Age" starts off a little faster paced but still in the mid section but has a great riffs. There is a killer old school Slayer set of riffs/notes in the middle that sounds fucking great. The song then goes all out doom with growling vocals towards the end before going back to the first part of the song. "Anno Armegeddon" is the album outro and has the guitars alone until everything comes in with creepy keyboards and closes this monster. Fucking killer album by these veterans. It is an essential purchase if you already like Acheron, but even if haven't heard of them, buy this! One of my top albums of 2009!
Review By:Mike Abominator 9/10
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