Yrg Alms
EEE recordings
January 2010
These days, in my eyes you don't really get whole lot of hearfelt music,especially from within the realms of the black metal scene.Alot of recycled bullshit comes from that scene,but alas Njiqahdda DO NOT fall in that trap at all!!While this was my first really extensive journey into this bands recorded material,i thought to myself how in the hell do they do it.So this brings us to Yrg Alms the bands 12th(yes 12th) release since 2005!!Talk about prolific!!You have to wonder how a band can release so much material without it becoming stale or boring,or just being plain ole shit in the first place.I had to go back and listen to some of the bands earliest works to get a feel for what they are about and how if they do,advance and surge forward.Well gone are the days of 4 riffs being played for over 20 minutes as Yrg Alms is a beautiful record from start to finish.Of course this is my second time listening to it in it's entirity,and this is one of those releases,that while an endurance test(it clocks in at over 70 min's)it has plenty to discover over repeated listens which is important for me as a listener,an albums ability to have strong replay value,which this release definately does.This album is a strong progression of a band that is more then likely just now finding it true identity musically.Lush guitars create an atmospheric swirl that had me constantly swept away within the realms of my own mind.The production on this release is very solid as it isn't completely modern,but is highly suitable for this band.Bottom line is that this album is an experience,a journey,something i love in my music and Njiqahdda delivers.Top it of with a beautiful album layout by Rebecca Clegg and this self finaced release is as pro as it gets.If you wondering who to compare this to,i would say early ulver,maybe wolves in the throne room,but even the latters latest release pale in comparison to these 2 musicians.If you don't know of these guys look them up,goo to eee recordings website where most if not all of this bands releases are available for purchase.Beautiful,emotional,yet possessed black metal done the right way.UTTERLY ESSENTIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review By Bastard Son Of God
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