Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Diabolist Services Cult label spotlight/Interview w/kk warmetal.

1.Lets start off with an easy question. When did you first get into metal? Can you remember your first experience with extreme music. What album made you go "holy fucking shit" i need to hear more like this?

I've listened to Metal (in all it's changing genres) my entire life. Extreme music, first experience was BURZUM "Det Son Engang Var" not long after it was first released. I went to a friends house who was really into death and thrash metal one day and we then went to one of his friends houses who I never met til then who was into the small and less popular in the states of the Norwegian Black Metal scene at the time. I clearly remember sitting in his living room, drinking a beer and smoking a joint and in complete darkness, no lights on, no tv on, drapes shut etc... and he's playing this CD and I just remember sitting there listening to it saying to myself, "this is it! this is what I've been thirsting for, this is totally me!"... he got up and turned on the light and now I can see the majority of his apartment. I look up to the right side of me to the top of his entertainment stand and I see all these BURZUM albums lined up standing on their side like some kind shrine and asked "who is BURZUM?" and he says, "that's wht is playing right now, this album here"... he gets up and hands me the digi-pak CD and I'm looking at it, and reading it, and instantly I was interested, in the music, in the lyrics, the message and extremity and conviction in the words... I was forever hook from that point on! That album today, it still remains as a gem to me, it certainly carries a lot of personal value! 

2.You are the sol proprieter behind DIABOLIST SERVICES CULT. When did you acquire the vision to start a label?

I can't remember exactly when the ideas had started and then formed into a kind of philosophy that surfaced as what would construct towards DSC is now. I know that it had started in many ways when I was doing my old label, before I closed it down and ultimately became the reason I took a hiatus of sorts for few years before I actually stated with DSC. I tried to do what DSC does and is with my old label but never actually realized that vision with that label because I was releasing CD format (under the bands requests, I only want to do vinyl myself). And in fact that is the very reason why I killed the label off, within an instance of my haste and hate for all the things that had built up and in me regarding the "scene" back then at that time... i was just purely disgusted, and one day during that period I ultimately just closed the label down, website, email, deleted it all together. 

...You might say that second part did not need to be added but it does because it's part of the reason why I then forged DSC out of the flames that very hatred fuled. I had gone a few years before it would realize but all that down time laid the foundation for the ideas behind DSC. As I mentioned before it's what I wanted to do with my old label but just never realized things in that vision or manner. Well that desire and those ideas progressed when I wasn't actively doing anything, just more or less adding more rituals in my personal collection and being a fan of the bands I see worth in. Vinyl was always my intention, but DSC offered the opportunities to do this were in the past I could not. It offered me the chance to realize my ideas as intended... 

I would say for a more reasonable answer that all the ideas and inspirations twoards what is DSC has been ever evolving and growing in its ideas as I move forward from endeavor to endeavor. 

3.What is the ethos or vision of the label? Also what were the intial goals of the label when you first started?

Well first, DSC is just a outlet I created to be able to release some bands the way I feel bands should be released. In terms of vinyl and underground music that I consider pure forms of metal. It's no secret I hate the music industry in most of it's ideas and practices... to me it's never been about any industry, it's always rooted to more personal aspect with me and thus my reasons for doing anything. I don't feel anyways there is any need to release the bands I work with over say 666 pressings, what for? This is vinyl, it's meant to be limited and reach the die hard few, but in that same idea I try to provide a ritual that has more put into it, something worth the time and cost to do. And that is the basic answer I would say, as to what the vision is of the label, it's simply for some die hard fanatics who are passionate about their musical tastes just as much as myself, DSC is just my way of supporting those bands I appreciate and my "contribution" to extreme underground black/death/and thrash metal. 

Every aspect in the rituals I do under the label is scrutinized, and when every ritual I do is realized and manufactured I then spend the next few weeks "investigating" the ritual, asking myself fucked up questions like if I fucked up anywhere? Did the plant fucked with the printing? Does all vinyls sound like the test pressing I approved? Did the release actually come out as good as I had planned and hoped? Should I have not have done something I did? Should I do something different next ritual I do and avoid doing what I don't like again? ...you get the idea I suppose, I'm constantly questioning things is what I'm trying to portray. But in that same aspect it has helped me produce better rituals, it motivates me with ideas and the energy to find new companies to work with to realize some idea for an upcoming ritual...and I think the quality of DSC rituals thus far shows I care a lot about this aspect. Anyways...so I guess the main question would be why to all this? ...and again the answer is quite simple, just so I can release the bands I really like in a way that goes beyond the norm and shows dedication to the whole idea of doing a label in my view....total support, and no compromise, and anything is possible! 

4.In this day and age a lot of labels release album after album, but you only seem to do maybe 2-3 releases a year? Quality obviously holds sway over quanity, which is very important especially when it comes to vinyl. Why do vinyl only, and is this a personel preference when it comes to format?

Well you just answered part of your own questions: "quality holds sway over quanity" is part of the reason why DSC only does a few rituals a year. I REALLY do not need to pump out album after album on monthly basis like all these other labels do, espeically because I know myself and I know that is not what I created DSC for! It is considered a label by people too much, and I guess I cannot stop that, I myself use the term...but what else to really call it? But DSC should not be seen as a label in the sense that others do labels, it's really not the same thing even though I release rituals for bands like any other label does. I consider it a hobby, a hobby I spend thousands of dollars on a year and all in the name of my own interest and I don't care if I loss money in the process from doing it. Labels release bands to make money, even underground labels, and at some point people feel expansion is needed or a good idea and it becomes a buissness... that is where DSC seperates in ideas from other labels, I don't do the label in a buissness sense, I do it in a fan sense, it's not to make loads of money, if that was the idea I would release CD's and MP3's like everyone else does...formats that sell on a much larger scale than vinyl. The idea is just to release some vinyl rituals in a pure fan aspect. I know from myself and from others who get my releases that they always say that my rituals are pretty amazing, and that is very rewarding to hear, even if I only hear it now and then, but think it of it as any fan would, if you were to start a label and release bands, how would you do it? what would be your purpose behind it? Would be to release something you would like to own as a fan or would the releases be compromised for the sake of sales, less quality, more quanity? I guess once someone answers that questions it all becomes more clear my intentions. 

Vinyl is indeed a personal preference with me! No doubt, I would not spend the money I do to realize these vinyl rituals if it were not the case, what would be the purpose of that? I like and listen to CD's personally of course, and these types of labels are certainly needed, I didn't say I like them all, but they are needed, vinyl just does not make sense to today's mass of humanity unless they are serious fans... seems to the one common vinyl keeps with people, I know it's true with myself. But for what I do, in my ideas, vinyl is certainly the only format for this! 

5.With the economy kicking the shit out of everyone these days, especially in cd sales, how has this been effecting Diabolist? Have you ever thought about expanding the label to keep it afloat, or is there no fucking comprimise!!!!!!!

Economy effects everyone at some point, but it's not really effective towards DSC because I don't rely on actual sales to provide funding for the rituals etc... this is what I have been trying to point out within the differences between your normal or common labels and DSC. Bad economy means less spending in most cases, I have not cut spending, my releases cost the same (and in some cases more like economy hikes) to manufacture as the last one depending on format size (7" / 10" / 12" vinyl) but what I had done was decreased the amount of bands I work with, shortening the load and working only with the few bands in a more in focused and personal manner. Which I didn't mention before, but another point is most of the bands I do release I am friends / comrades with and typically before I ever offer them a purposal.... it's just another difference to point out between other labels and myself, though not all bands I've worked with has this been but it has for the majority of them. 

As for Expansion... well, that would be one of those in the eye of the beholder I would say. Expansion to me in the world of underground metal, as a label, means dealing with more labels in a distribution manner and not so much pumping out more releases. This is always growing as interest grows towards DSC and the releases available. That is the one key to doing a label and something I take high priority of, an importance. Even if my sales are down because of economy reasons or whatever, distribution is the most important factor, I can if anything say that at least DSC rituals are available world wide, since I deal with a lot of labels that do distributions and overseas more than any! But it is ALWAYS under the no fucking compromise rule with anything I do, including the label! 

6.What is your criteria for releasing a band on the label? Do you get alot of demos and requests to release bands? What is it that makes a band diabolist material?

It's not so much a criteria, like there is some portfolio a band must be comparable with or something... it's more who do I support and appreciate the music of the most kinda idea. You know, it all starts right there, if I don't like the band or feel there are bands I would rather work with at that point.... i cannot release a band I do not support, both musically and philosohpically, that would not be me, it's just that simple! I get a lot of mails asking if I accept demos, but I either never reply them or do and tell them not to send anything! I already know what bands I like and what bands I support, and what bands I would consider to release under DSC but I take it one or few bands at a time and maybe in the future we'll see about the others. I'm a small label and have to pick and choose accordingly to reality, 300 bands I could list I'd like to release, but reality says I have to pick a few and work with that and see what the future brings. It's always been this way, I can't stop people from sending me their material, that's their choice, but don't expect anything, including a reply.

What makes a band DSC material? ... Pure, Uncompromised, Metal delivered with devotion and conviction! 

7.What has been your most popular release since the labels inception?

MANIAC BUTCHER "The Beast/Dva tisice let" 7" EP - sold out in 2 weeks!

8.What in your opinion has been the biggest mistake you have made in running this label?

I don't know... I've made a lot of mistakes, sure that I'll make more somewhere along the line, but what can I do other than learn from those mistakes and move forward?

9.Which release that you have done has been your favorite. Why is that?

Release past: MANIAC BUTCHER
Releases coming: THE STONE

MANIAC BUTCHER because they were always one my fav BM bands, because they always release as truest Black metal as could be, in their own way and without following any trends or sound that was at the moment popular to a specific location of bands (i.e. Norway and "Norwegian Black Metal"). I have known Barbaurd for years, use to deal with him when he did his Pussy God Records, I've always had a large amount of respect for him and for MANIAC BUTCHER, I use to distribute all the releases on any format they were on at those times, including the actual demo tapes... it really was big honor to release that 7", espcially for it to be the very last unreleased recording of the band... to finally bring that closure to a band and their legacy that had inspired both me as well as an entire "scene" and never once compromised... I couldn't be more satisfied! And the ritual, in it's 3 released versions were perfect. 

THE STONE because again, they are one of my fav BM bands, but again here is an old band from a far off desolate county most people forget even exist, yet they are the first BM band in that region and all these years later the band remains solid to their roots, never once compromising their music and following nothing but their own darkness! And in current time the band really just keeps getting better and better every ritual they do, thier form of Black Metal really has a way of capturing me, right back from the first recordings to the newest, they never fail! I am also pretty good friends with the majority of the band, we share a lot of commons in ideas and tastes in bands. As well, you know, I did all the art and layout for the ritual, which means a lot to me on another level. But the mateial is the importance and the material for this ritual is 2 old tracks from the band re-recorded just for this release and 2 cover tracks the band wanted to pay homage to. 

I would also like to add NOKTURNEL, though the material is not recorded yet for the sol EP we will do, but the material for the split with TYRANNIZER ORDER is and I can tell you right now NOKTURNEL will annihilate everything!!! Tom is an amazing musician, very talented, I have nothing but complete and total respect for him, for his music, and for standards that stands so solidly behind. NOKTURNEL is a force that stands for pure blackend metal, the old way, the only way! All these years he has released music uncompromised and always reconized by the true crazy metal freaks in this genre, but always given a "raw deal" sort of speak and left cheek by the masses of commercial labels because his music has always stood on the edge of what big labels will touch...well fuck them! This is indeed the "industries" mistake, refusing to see the greatness of NOKTURNEL is purely ignorance in my view, but that is and has always been corperate label mentality. Well that's also fine by me, because it has enabled the oppurtunity to release this band and provided them with a label that really stands behind the bands efforts... and to do this on Vinyl will be one of my all time considered greatest accomplishments! The band has been silent for 9 years, but this year a complete and total hurricane of pure metal madness the old way, the NOKTURNEL way, will unleash and I'm very confident in Tom and know it will kick everyones ass!!! 

10.You are also an outstanding artist, having done art for GOREPHOBIA, THE STONE among others, what got you into doing album art and do you consider yourself an artist? Who art wise has had the most influence on you?

I consider myself a visionist more than an "artist"...an artist creates anytime, anywhere...I create when I have a specific vision in my head and need to create that vision outside my head into graphic, photo, painting or combo of all (which is generally all). No artist has inspired me, not in the sense of what I create. I don't want that, that kind of inspiration, because I then feel that I am trying to recreate something or do it as some other artist may do it... i like it to flow from my own vision and ideas and maybe that's why my art may stand out? 

I did not however create any art for GOREAPHOBIA, I did the layout for the new album "Mortal Repulsion" off Ibex Moon Records and took the band photo in the album (one of many from the photo session we had). Kris Verwimp did the album cover art for that, not me. I am friends with Chris, known him a long time and been a fan of both GOREAPHOBIA and BLOOD STORM for a long time. Chris asked me if I had any interst to help him with photographs for the new album that day, Alex and Chris asked me if I could also do or help with the layout. Of course I can do the layout so I just made a simply agreement with them and Chris provided me with all the material the layout needed. I have to date done art for THE STONE, IMMOLITH (various works), UBEL, UROK, KYTHRONE, and I'm now currently working on some visions for NOKTURNEL...you ask what artists inspire me most...well your answer is the bands I create for more than anything, it all starts there, the art has to reflect the music and the music is the inspiration for the art. 

11.Do you select bands to work with art wise based on the same criteria you have for releasing bands?

I a lot of ways, yes. It is reflective in the same manner of sense, I work with bands I do like or support label wise... why would I art wise either? That is what is called "compromise"... and I don't do that. 

12.You also are an amazing photographer. When did you first start doing this? What is it about photography that is so inspiring to you?

Thanks you, your words are appreciated! I started photographing 3-4 years ago, til that time I never picked a camera up, I'm self taught (like most things I do... go figure) but you have to understand me as a person. I am one of those people that get inspiration for something and just do it, I don't think about it or hesitate on it, I simply do it and what I choose to do I also have to perfect, that is just how I am. I can be really anal about things, too anal sometimes, i'm certainly a compulsive and constantly have to push it further, provide myself a challange... is that weird motivation for doing things?? Actually it may interest you to know that it doesn't inspire me, not in the ways it may for so many other photographers anayways. In the sense of nature shots I do, which you have obviously seen, my inspiration is not the actual scenic I am shooting, rather it is what that sceneic CAN be, tranformed into my vision. This is why what I do a lot of is not really photography, but photo-graphics, combonation of photo and graphic art, but I also do a lot of plain photography as well, but typically only black/white and greyscale shots. I do quite a bit sepia toned photographs as well, in fact on my camera I have a few custom settings configured for sepia mode. 

I do photography in the sense of live gigs, and that has completely different inspiration, which is simply my interest in particular bands and capturing them in their raw state; i.e. live. 

13.How do you feel about the current black metal scene. Any newer bands that you like alot,or in your opinion is the old spirit dead?

I don't like most new bands, I hate the "scene" for what has become over the past decade, and this is why DSC exist, to release the bands I feel are pure elements in their specific metal genres...and I feel to date I have done this, so I am satisfied. There will always be good bands, there will always be shit bands, everyone will have an opinion and those opinions will always vary, what the fuck do I care what someones opinion is? Do they dish out the cost to release the band? Do they make the decsions for DSC? HELL NO! I release what I want and what I release I completely support, that is all that matters! 

The old spirit still lives! It will NEVER die!!!! Not amoung those warriors that stand with pride and honor and thirst for the old!! And as long as there are labels like DSC (and there are some really good labels out there IMO!) who are willing to release what the commercial labels won't it will never die! It's eternal as the blood that flows through your veins! 

14.What would you say would be your dream release,meaning if you could release or work with any band,who would it be and why?

I already am/have/will, working with those bands. I only release those bands I support and appreciate on personal level, this label is not built on ideas as common labels ...which generally is release not what you support but what will make you a lot of money, I have no need to waste my time releasing bands I don't like or support, even if they do make money and sell, who the fuck cares, nothing to be proud of! No glory in releasing something I don't stand behind!!! 

15.What are your future goals for the label in 2010 and beyond? I know you are getting into promoting, as you were trying to bring the stone here last year. Is this something you are looking to become more involved in?

No, not really. I think all these promoters are nothing but pure swine! They claim to be professionals but can't arrange one show without major problems. They cheat the bands out of money and try to cheat me the same way! FUCK THEM ALL! I won't stand for that! I'll be damned (if I already am not) if I pay the bands way here, their travel, living, etc... and then get cut out of percentage from the shows, that won't happen. There will be some future shows I'll be arranging on my own with maybe Lord Typhus (TYPHUS/ HOLOCAUSTIUM/ DARK HORIZON RECORDS) for US, cutting all these "promoters" the fuck out, just like they do with everyone, providing a taste of their own medicine is more than needed!! And I have talked (breifly) with Milan in Serbia about arranging Diabolist Fest to be held there since most bands I work with are overseas anyways with two of them in Serbia (THE STONE and KOZELJNIK) and seems this is the right idea and path of action as I have already confirmation from all the bands I have/do work with that will play the fest if arranged, including a possibility that NOKTURNEL may also make the travel there with me and play also...but nothing is arranged right now, it's a in the near future possiblity...we'll see what flows from this point. I do want to say however though, that not all promoters are swine, even though my words were a bit harsh, just the few I have experianced it comes out that way. Chris at Hate War in CA is interested to work with us for THE STONE for a possible upcoming US tour with KULT OV AZAZEL but I have not any details right now on that as it's a brand new endeavor and have not had chance to get all the facts just yet. But if any promoter in the US for this kind of music I respect it is indeed Chris, I know many bands he has worked with and never once heard a bad word on him, very much a man of honor! However I was informed by THE STONE that KoA wants them to come and tour on something like 12-13 dats in the US or so and if this happens it will be great, both these bands are exceptional and have my full support! I will also likely travel with THE STONE on those dates. THE STONE in the US is a big thing, never been here before and their fan base here keeps growing. I really want to help the band get here but it's a lot of work, more than I had originally thought, something I cannot do on my own, it has to be a group effort. If they do come many people will witness a show in pure misanthropy like no other! Pure Serbian Black Metal! Again...we'll see what flows from here. 

As for goals, the only goal I see is to just continue doing limited vinyl weapons with the quality DSC has been known for, that is always my priority. 

16.Name your 5 most essential black metal albums.

hard thing to do for a metal maniac! let's think...
BURZUM "Det Son Engang Var" 
MANES "Under Ein Blodraud Maane" 
ABIGOR "Verwustung / Invoke The Darkage" 
MAYHEM "De Mysteriis Dom Sathans" 
CARPATHIAN FOREST "Black Shining Leather" 
...i think personally I could live stranded on island with only these 5 rituals but fuck man, only 5? Not giving a metal freak much options here!  

17.On not so serious note,how much weed do you smoke a day and does this provide you with a lot of inspiration for doing art or shooting photos.What is your favorite kind of buds?

I smoke as I feel needed, but it has no concern to DSC so it's a question for some other interroagtion I suppose. 

18.Will the label have a proper website up and running soon,i know we spoke of this before,but for those who don't know what is the status?

This is an ongoing issue, I've been through 3 people so far who were do site for DSC and all flaked out, I've even lost money by paying percentage upfront. I am graphic artist, not a website designer, so if any out there reading this thinks they can tackle the task don't hesitate to send an email! 

19 I know that you recently partnered with Serbia's GROM RECORDS to be the us release of the new Winterblut album. Is this just a one time thing or is this a partnership that is going to continue. How did all of this come together?

Wait, no that is not correct! DSC is not releasing anything for GROM! Rather DSC will be Official North American Distributor for GROM and their new coming CD release for WINTERBLUT (DE), this means I do not release anything, GROM does all the manufacturing, I take percentage of the pressings for the N.A. distribution. But it came about rather simple really, Milan emailed me and provided an offer that was reasonable and fair, and I accepted upon a few requests I had that he agreed to and so it sealed the deal. The album cannot be obtained by any distribution in North America besides from DSC, DSC cannot supply overseas distributions, GROM cannot supply North American distributions, it is a "territorial aggrement" sort of speak. However this benefits those who order the weapon because it will save people on cost and shipping time this way as well. 

I already distribute all GROM RECORDS releases and GROM carries DSC rituals in Serbia, this distribution agreement just strengthens our ties and alliance. You know (but maybe not others of course) that Milan is considered a good friend of mine, a commrade and someone who lives their life devoted to the underground and this music. I will be going to Serbia this summer sometime as well to visit him (if plans stay as is currently) and the rest of THE STONE as well as some others I know there and in the CZ. So the distribution arrangement is more of a matter of support, I support GROM, Milan, and the bands he chooses to release, I would carry the title anyways, as official distributor or not. 

20.That's it man. It's been a pleasure. Any final words or remarks?

Thanks for the interrogation, hope the answered questions were par to your interest. Any reading this and wish to find more of DSC visit the myspace at http://www.myspace.com/diabolistsrv or email: diabolistsrv@hotmail.com 


                                  Interview By:Bastard Son Of God

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